Doctor Who: Every 11th Doctor Episode Ranked Worse To Best

17. Let's Kill Hitler

Doctor Who Matt Smith

Perhaps the most outrageous thing about an episode called Let's Kill Hitler is there is only about 2 minutes of Hitler on screen. Moffat uses the tyrannical dictator as a red herring as we are instead treated to a story about River Song and her origins as Melody Pond.

The revelation that Amy and Rory's best friend 'Mels' is actually their daughter Melody Pond all along feels like cheating on behalf of Moffat as we are only aware of her existence at the beginning of this episode. However, because the episode focuses all its energy into a proper exploration of the transformation from Mels to Melody Pond to River Song, it is almost forgivable.

It is almost forgivable as while it is a funny gag, putting Hitler in a cupboard for the entirety of an episode where his name is in the title, it seems a shame to waste what could have been an intriguing exploration of such an evil figure in the show.

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An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).