Doctor Who: Every 11th Doctor Episode Ranked Worse To Best
5. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang are two extremely different episodes. The first part of Matt Smith's finale is an epic showdown between the Doctor and all his previous enemies and features a Roman army and a dramatic speech from Stonehenge.
Its following episode could be taken from another show completely as the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song are practically the only characters throughout in an intimate mission to save the world.
Moffat's first season finale is one of the greatest ends to a series in the show's history as it goes from bonkers, River Song disguised as Cleopatra, to devastating, Auton Rory killing Amy. Throughout the epic tale we get to see the Doctor's Fez blown to pieces, the Time Lord being dragged to the Pandorica by his enemies and ultimately end the 11th Doctor's debut season with a lovely wedding.