Doctor Who: Every Dalek Story In The New Series Ranked WORST To BEST

10. Asylum of the Daleks (2012)

The Daleks
BBC Studios

Series 7 is generally agreed to be the worst series produced under Steven Moffat’s tenure as showrunner and this dud of an opener really starts as the rest of it means to go on.

Like Victory before it, there are a few decent ideas on display here. The Daleks having an entire planet where they keep the members of their race that are too insane even for them? That’s a pretty chilling concept and would work great for a horror-tinged episode.

But the promise of this premise is soon wasted once the episode actually gets started, quickly devolving into a run of the mill story where the Doctor and his companions sprint around corridors for a while until the bad people are blown up.

Toss in a strange subplot about Rory and Amy’s divorcing, as well as the ludicrous decision to erase the Daleks’ memories of the Doctor with the show’s fiftieth anniversary on the horizon, and you get a story that, just like the Daleks’ mindless human slaves, is completely dead on arrival.

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Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.