Doctor Who: Every Dalek Story In The New Series Ranked WORST To BEST

9. Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks (2007)

The Daleks

This story feels like several different concepts for a Doctor Who episode all got thrown together at random. The Daleks! 1930s New York! Pig Men! An undead human army!

The idea of the Cult of Skaro attempting to combine themselves with human DNA so that the Dalek race might live again is not a bad one. In fact, it fits very well with their stated mission of thinking of new ways to advance the Dalek cause.

The first episode builds up the mystery of what the Daleks are doing down in the New York sewers very well, genuinely evoking a Frankenstein-esque vibe. But once the ‘Human Dalek’ reveals itself, it does little more than stand around and ponder its own existence, before being promptly executed by its former allies for being an affront to their species.

The supporting characters are all boring caricatures, the setting feels tacked on as an afterthought, and poor Martha Jones gets virtually nothing to do for much of the runtime.

This stands comfortably as the only real Dalek related misfire from the Russell T Davies era.

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Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.