Doctor Who: Every Dalek Story In The New Series Ranked WORST To BEST

8. Resolution (2019)

The Daleks
BBC Studios

Why showrunner Chris Chibnall was so adamant about this story being a New Years Day special, rather than a traditional Doctor Who Christmas episode, is baffling.

Aside from a few throwaway lines, and one awful Wi-fi joke that grinds the entire thing to a halt, the plot could take place on any other day and it wouldn’t make much difference at all.

But for all its flaws, the episode does genuinely attempt to put a new spin on the Daleks by reminding us just how dangerous one can be. It takes most of the episode for us to even see the lone recon Dalek inside its iconic shell and it largely acts as a disembodied voice forcing one of the guest characters to do awful things for the glory of the Dalek empire.

Resolution still suffers from the issues that plague Series 11. There are too many characters, the ending is underwhelming, and the emotional beats don’t land as well as they should. But the long-awaited return of this classic villain marks it as a genuine bright spot in an often shaky era.

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Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.