Doctor Who: Every NuWho Companion Ranked

8. Yasmin Khan

Donna Noble Doctor Who

The biggest issue with Yaz as companion is the wasted potential of having a police officer in the TARDIS. It is frustrating how little of that aspect of her character shows up. The worst offender of which is in 'Arachnids in the UK' when someone pointed a gun at her. The only times that we get reminded that Yaz is a police officer is when it's not very important like in 'Kerblam'.

But as said, the biggest problem with Yaz is her unused potential. Out of the 3 companions we've had for the last 2 series, she's very clearly the one who has had the least amount of development. And that's not really her fault, Ryan and Graham had that family connection which lent itself to allow for the 2 of them to develop each other, and they also had a direct connection to the reason they all joined the Doctor in the first place through Grace. But Yaz didn't really have that. Here's hoping that now Ryan and Graham have left, Yaz will have more screen time and more opportunities to develop. lt will be nice to have an all female Team TARDIS- oh, they're introducing another middle-aged white man to the team. Oh well.

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John Hinch hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.