Doctor Who: EVERY NuWho Villain And Monster Ranked Worst To Best

113. Krafayis

Doctor Who villains
BBC Studios

Appears in: Vincent and the Doctor.

We can forgive the dodgy CGI on this occasion because the Krafayis represents something far more important than your average monster of the week.

Only Vincent van Gogh could see the creature. The Doctor and Amy couldn't - an invisible monster that terrorised Vincent so much that he painted it, initially, into The Church at Auvers. The Krafayis represented the hidden demons he faced in his tragically short albeit creatively historic life. It's a similar situation with the blind and abandoned Krafayis, which Vincent eloquently sums up:

"He was frightened, and he lashed out. Like humans, who lash out when they're frightened. Like the villagers who scream at me. Like the children who throw stones at me."

This episode reminds us that the show can handle important social issues without a heavy-handed approach.

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.