Doctor Who: EVERY NuWho Villain And Monster Ranked Worst To Best

107. The Siren

Doctor Who villains
BBC Studios

Appears in: The Curse of the Black Spot.

Sometimes a villain isn't really a villain. Sometimes they turn out to be a fancy, futuristic virtual doctor in the form of a siren, who can hop between an alien spaceship and a pirate ship in the 17th century.

The Siren (Lily Cole) initially scares the pirate pants off the Doctor, Amy, Rory, Captain Henry Avery and his crew by whisking away anyone injured or sick - even those with just a scratch - to the dark depths of Davy Jones' Locker. In actuality, the place the Siren takes them to is the alien ship's sickbay, where she looks after them in her own inimitable way.

However she seriously needs to work on her bedside manner because you'd be pretty miffed at being incinerated for merely sneezing. And her presence did result in Avery having to get rid of most of his hard-earned stolen treasure. What a monstrous mermaid.

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.