Doctor Who: EVERY NuWho Villain And Monster Ranked Worst To Best
100. Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform
Appears in: Tooth and Claw.
The actual furry and fearsome beast is your typical werewolf with the growling, the howling and the slaughtering. As ever with this legend, it's the backstory of how it came into being that is the most interesting aspect.
The Haemovariform, itself, was an unknown entity when it crash landed on Earth back in 1540, until eventually taking the form of a werewolf. Obviously not feeling the Highland red squirrel or pine marten look then. Some poor bloke subsequently becomes the "Host" for the werewolf having been bitten and infected with its blood as a child - his jet black eyes and exceptionally accurate set of rotten Victorian teeth is even more of a damnable sight.
But the big bad werewolf never reckoned on the old saying that your greatest strength is your greatest weakness by going out in a blaze of moonlight. Still, it may have done what it set out to do after nipping Queen Victoria - Empire of the Wolf? Makes more sense than shapeshifting lizards.