Doctor Who: Every River Song Episode Ranked Worst To Best

3. Closing Time/ The Wedding Of River Song

Doctor Who River Song

The Wedding of River Song is the full-on zany closure to 'The Doctor Dies' story, which began with The Impossible Astronaut and Day of The Moon. There is nothing reasonable or straightforward in this finale, but it is extremely good fun.

River's involvement starts with the final moments of Closing Time, where she is called to assassinate The Doctor once more. Having been there and done that once already, the suitably fresh-faced and not exactly responsible River instead sees fit to freeze and merge all points in time to one singular decaying fixed point. The things we do for love.

In this story, we get the pleasure of seeing River at various emotional points, as a reckless lover, a devoted heroin, and eventually as a super-savvy adventurer, who was in on the The Doctor's survival plan all along.

It's safe to say that the full breadth of her personality features in this finale. It combines, the wisdom, tragedy, naivety, and the romance of River Song, all in one episodic burst. It's one of the richest River doses a fan could hope for.

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