Doctor Who: Every River Song Episode Ranked Worst To Best

7. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang

Doctor Who River Song

This episode introduced River Song's fun side, as it saw her jovially arsing around with time in extravagant fashion, just to get The Doctor's attention. As season finales go, this was a great all-rounder. River ends up taking centre stage when the Doctor is out for the count, and displays her serious and relentless side in plentiful bouts.

There's also lots of other stuff happening in the story where River isn't the main focus. When she does show up, however, she really makes it count. When you also refer to other episodes to piece her intricate timeline together, you realise that she actually spends the duration of this plot playing poker-face regarding future and past events. At the very least, we get treated to a pleasant nugget of foreshadowing right at the end, reminding us retrospective viewers that she marries The Doctor a whole season later.

River was cool when she was enigmatic, and in many ways it was more fun when we knew less about her. Plus her brutal standoff with a Dalek in this episode earns some extra points.

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