Doctor Who: Every River Song Episode Ranked Worst To Best

6. The Time Of Angels/ Flesh And Stone

Doctor Who River Song

This thrilling doubler marked River's second appearance in Doctor who, and saw her go from the sombre archaeologist seen previous, to a feisty rebel with a shady history. It essentially began the River Song saga anew.

With the return of the equally enigmatic Angels happening alongside it, this story was the gift that kept on giving. Still relatively fresh on the block, the Smith/Moffat age was continuing to prove its worth and, with episodes like these, showed zero signs of exhaustion.

The newfound charisma of River Song swiftly affirmed that she was a worthy and exciting addition to the character roster. The mystique, sharpness and general refusal to conform made her the Doctors perfect equal, and though many of her secrets wouldn't be spilled until the next season, this was still a golden age of her character development.

All in all, it was one of the coolest Matt Smith two-parters of all time. It was masterfully suspenseful, with an ample hit of drama to boot. An all-time classic.

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