Doctor Who: Every River Song Episode Ranked Worst To Best

5. The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon

Doctor Who River Song

What a series opener this was! The old gang was back. Utah in the late 60s was the setting. There was a nice picnic. The Doctor was having a drink with some close friends...

...and he's dead...

...and he's alive again.

Whilst Amy and Rory struggled to come to terms with the Doctor's supposed death in the future, River did a slick job in prompting a veil of secrecy over the present-day Doctor, who had no idea of his future fate. As you find out in this season's finale, she is also performing a double-bluff on behalf of her future Time Lord lover, who didn't really die at all.

All of this means that you can either burn brain calories trying to keep up with what's occurring in the River's head, or you can enjoy watching her shoot off hats and gun down multiple Silence creatures like it ain't no thing.

Overall. This is solid River Song antics, but it's ultimately a precursor for the much more dramatic and intricate season finale.

Plus she regenerates as a child. Never a dull moment.

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