Doctor Who: Every River Song Episode Ranked Worst To Best

4. The Husbands Of River Song

Doctor Who River Song
BBC Studios

This is a difficult one to rank. From the outset, viewers are thrown into a fairly trashy Christmas story featuring a mildly annoying character played by Greg Davis and an equally annoying Matt Lucas, whose own character of Nardole would be mercifully fleshed out in later episodes.

The latter segment, however, is a whole different ball game. It's the one and only River Song episode set alongside Peter Capaldi, and their chemistry just so happens to be off the charts. It also ends with the long-awaited night at The Towers of Derillium, as forecast in River's first ever appearance way back in the Tennant years. This entire scene is mesmerising beyond imagining. The Doctor's chronologically final goodbye is as bittersweet as one could hope for, and the last River Song plot-thread is sealed once and for all.

Long term lovers of the River Song timeline can't deny that this final goodbye is worthy of the setup planted two Doctors prior. Is The Husbands of River Song a throwaway standalone, or is it a gorgeous piece of drama? Well... it's both. The payoff is worth the perseverance, put it that way!

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