Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best

6. The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon

Doctor Who Steven Moffat episodes ranked Eleventh Doctor Twelfth Doctor Weeping Angel
BBC Studios

This is how to open a new series!

It's hard to think of a better way to keep people engaged for the next 13 weeks than killing off the main character in episode one. The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon does exactly this, and has you instantly gripped.

The Silence are some of the scariest creatures in Doctor Who and the concept of them disappearing from your memory when you look away is an incredibly chilling idea. Moffat was never going to top the Weeping Angels, but he didn't half come close here.

This is also the best story for Eleven, River, and the Ponds, with the gang getting some of their most entertaining banter and bickering ("I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no-one to stand around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all?"), and for the first time, a real sense that they're a proper team, rather than on-and-off TARDIS buddies.

Sprinkle in the moon landing, a puzzling Pond-pregnancy, and some gorgeous location work in Utah, and The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon is a big summer popcorn movie that has everything you want in a series opener.

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Doctor Who
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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️