Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained

17. Supreme Daleks (First Appearance: 1964)

The Daleks
BBC Studios

The Daleks quickly developed a hierarchy, with certain units given more responsibility than others. This was first demonstrated by the fleet that invaded 22nd century Earth, which included a Saucer Pilot and a Supreme Controller.

The Supreme Controller was the commander of the Dalek forces, a rank that soon became known as the Supreme Dalek, or Dalek Supreme.

Early examples include the black Supremes who led the Daleks’ pursuit of the First Doctor and oversaw the Daleks’ Master Plan, the all-gold Supremes who occupied Earth in an aborted timeline and teamed up with the Master, and the black and gold Supreme who seized control of Dalek operations on Spiridon.

Doctor Who Planet of the Daleks Supreme Dalek
BBC Studios

In the aftermath of the Dalek-Movellan War when rival Dalek factions emerged, the Supreme became the figurehead for the "pure", Skaro-born Daleks, steering them through a tumultuous civil war against Davros and his own factions.

Supreme Daleks persisted all the way through the Time War and into the New Dalek Empire, where a snazzy red and gold Supreme commanded the Dalek Crucible and led the 21st century Dalek invasion of Earth. This design was the most elaborate yet, incorporating additional struts on each side and a bonus third light on the dome.

Supreme Daleks are rarely too dissimilar from standard Daleks in terms of size or power, so it's unclear how they ascend the ranks. And though they have authority over all Dalek forces, they're far from the biggest fish in the Dalek pond...

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