Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained

16. The Emperor Dalek (First Appearance: 1967)

The Daleks
BBC Studios

By far the most imposing type of Dalek is the Emperor – a behemoth who rules over the Dalek Empire. Think of the Emperor as the king, and the Supreme Dalek as the military commander.

Two Emperors have appeared in the show so far, both of which inhabited huge, immobile casings.

The first model operated from a throne room on Skaro and plotted to distil the human factor – the essence of what distinguished humanity from other species. The Emperor transferred this human factor into some Dalek test subjects, but was ultimately destroyed by them when they turned against him, triggering a Dalek civil war.

Years on in Dalek history and a new Emperor emerged in the aftermath of the Last Great Time War. This bronze and gold version was altogether more fanatical, rebuilding the Daleks to the point where they viewed him as a god. Like his predecessor, he also attempted to create a new breed of Daleks by combining them with a human element, but this plan was foiled when Rose became the Bad Wolf and wiped him and the rest of the Daleks out.

Doctor Who The Parting of the Ways Emperor Dalek
BBC Studios

Both Emperors were flanked by black-domed Dalek guards, some of which possessed unique appendages, from a triangular sensor device to a mysterious clawed sphere.

The role of Emperor was also briefly assumed by the Daleks’ creator, Davros, using a special type of casing.

A mention must also go to the Dalek Prime Minister, who led the Dalek Parliament that was the ruling body of the resurrected Dalek Empire. Like the second Emperor, the Dalek Prime Minister was essentially just a mutant in a glass tank, though he did seem to display higher levels of intelligence and self-awareness than normal Daleks – just like both Emperors before him.

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