Doctor Who Flux: 8 Bold Predictions For The Rest Of Series 13

5. Dan Is A Former Division Agent

Doctor Who Series 13 (Flux) Village Of The Angels Weeping Angel
BBC Studios

Every time a new companion rolls around, there's always speculation that there's more to them than meets the eye. Anyone remember all those "Rory is the Master" theories from 2010? Absolutely classic.

While these theories rarely pan out, there's currently a similar level of speculation surrounding John Bishop's Dan. One of the prevailing ideas is that he's a former Division agent who had his mind wiped, and looking at some of the evidence, you can't really blame fans for running with this one.

In The Halloween Apocalypse, it's mentioned that Division agents undergo "psych-resistance training", to shield themselves from mind control. Then, in that same episode, it's shown that Dan is immune to Karvanista's mind control attempts, even though dog boy seems pretty confident they should work on an ordinary human.

Very suspicious, and that's not the only clue either. There's also the fact that Diane - Dan's friend - has been captured by Swarm for no apparent reason, so what if this is Swarm trying to get one over on Dan for thwarting him during his Division days?

Dan's bumbling personality almost seems too exaggerated, like it's some sort of front to throw people off the scent. Would anyone suspect that this wok-wielding plasterer is secretly a member of a Gallifreyan spec-ops team? No - just like nobody suspected that a tour guide from Gloucester was secretly the Doctor.

Based on its treatment of the Doctor, we know the Division is totally fine with mind-wiping its agents, so it'd make sense for them to have done the same with others.

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