Doctor Who: Looking Back At The Multi-Doctor Stories

5. Time Crash (2007)

time crash doctor who It may have only been eight minutes long but Time Crash was the episode that came closest to capturing the spirit of the Multi-Doctor story since The Three Doctors in that its primary focus is putting different Doctors together and having them interact with each other. Shortly after the end of Last Of The Time Lords, the Tenth Doctor has just rebuilt his Tardis and has the shields down, causing it to crash into the Fifth Doctor€™s Tardis. And from there on in, it€™s just the Fifth and Tenth Doctors playing off each other and taking a moment to stop the destruction of a portion of time and space exactly the size of Belgium. Time Crash is full of brilliant little nods to past including mentions of the Fifth Doctor's companions Nyssa and Tegan, and the Doctor once again taking exception to how his future self has redecorated the Tardis. And another interesting dimension is that Peter Davison was the Doctor that David Tennant grew up with and was inspired by. So the Tenth Doctor€™s €œYou were my Doctor€ speech towards the end is not only the Tenth Doctor admiring the Fifth Doctor but Tennant admiring Davison as well. It€™s small scale but the sentiment of it is spot on. It€™s a love letter to days gone by that links both Classic Who and Nu Who in an incredibly strong way. Which is perfectly embodied through a simple exchange between the Doctors:
Fifth Doctor: To days to come. Tenth Doctor: All my love to long ago.
Those two lines sum up the whole spirit of the Multi-Doctor story. And since both Time Crash and the 50th Anniversary were written by Steven Moffat, it's a relatively safe bet that the 50th Anniversary will continue that spirit. What's your favourite Multi-Doctor story? Leave a comment...

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.