Doctor Who: Revived Series 14 Stupidest Idiot Plots... So Far

4. The Silence Destroyed The Universe To Save The Universe?

In the end of series 5, the question of who blew up the TARDIS that caused the end of the universe was left unanswered. Then after a few years, the show finally revealed that it was the Silence all along who traveled back in time and sabotaged the Doctor€™s TARDIS to kill him so that in the future the Doctor would not be a major pain in the ass in the fields of Trenzelore. This opens up a lot of questions, like; are these guys, idiots? See, in the future the Doctor will be the key that would bring about the end of the universe. So essentially, what the Silence tried to do was go back in time to try to kill the Doctor by blowing up the universe so that one day the Doctor would not be able to blow up the universe instead of them. That€™s great planning there, guys. The thousand years staying on earth and influencing their history was really worth it. Let us say that they did not know that the universe would blow up if they sabotaged the TARDIS. That just made it worst €“ it€™s the TARDIS; obviously, there is a big chance something bad would happen if it blew up. Who are the idiots that would blow up the TARDIS, not knowing that might happen? the Silence, that€™s who. Besides, again, they were a race that could kill anyone without notice or evidence of their existence that can also shoot electricity €“ Why did they not just kill the Doctor directly, or something else that does not involve a literal ticking time bomb? Silence, you had so much potential when you were first introduced. No wonder everyone things you are a joke now.

Once upon a time, Jon ended up in a huge dark room with a giant screen... and he never left.