Doctor Who Series 11: 4 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Kerblam!'


4. References To The Past

Doctor Who Kerblam

Conceptually, Kerblam! is brilliant. I love seeing the universe in action. Normal things we’re used to but, futurised. We’ve seen hospitals, motorways, libraries, banks, and now we’re seeing essentially Amazon. You don’t really think that there are just normal people out there during these adventures, usually we’re just so engrossed in these self-contained stories. People are living, breathing, and buying tat on Kerblam!

Turns out the Doctor orders from Kerblam too, but she - or he in this case - doesn’t pay for Kerblam! Prime. He (Eleven) ordered a Fez, it took two regenerations for it to arrive, and she (Thirteen) received it. She should’ve kept it on throughout in my opinion.

Just skipping forward briefly, there’s a moment when Ryan, Yaz, and The Doctor hide in a cupboard, and after Yaz makes a ‘poking a wasp’s nest’ comment, The Doctor mentions the time HE met Agatha Christie, and I did that jostle-around excited thing. Series 4’s Unicorn and the Wasp was pretty silly, but pretty great. I love it when the show references its past.

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Born in Theatre, sits at a Computer. After over a decade of tinkering with Video Editing software, Rich gets to spend his precious time editing whatever's thrown at him. Also the go-to for Doctor Who, and could tell you why Sans Serif fonts are better than most. Still occasionally tap dances under the desk.