Doctor Who: The Bells of Saint John Review – 9 Points To Ponder

6. Why Does Clara Skip The Number 23?


Doctor Who premiered on November 23, 1963. When the Doctor flips through the book €œ101 Places to See€ he finds on Clara€™s shelf he comes across a page that is titled €œProperty of €€ with a chart of Clara€™s years up to the age of 24. Year 23, however, is missing. When Clara types the password for the wifi (RYCBAR123) she is stopped by the Doctor before she can type the 3 €“ instead mistyping it as 4. It€™s almost as if Clara cannot access the concept of 23 €“ like a hard drive that cannot access a certain sector and skips over it. Clara's tombstone in "The Snowmen" lists her birthday as November 23, the same day as the birth of Doctor Who. What is the significance of 23 for both the Doctor and Clara?
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Mary Ogle is the author and illustrator of “Orangeroof Zoo” a whimsical tale of magical realism told through the pages of a coloring book for adults. Working as a professional artist in the digital medium, Mary’s commissions have included everything from fine art to fan art, book cover design, illustration and book layout. Find more of Mary’s work at Mary currently finds inspiration in the Ojai Valley, residing in a snug little cottage with a recalcitrant cat.