Doctor Who: The Doctor's 13 Darkest Moments

4. Execution By Missiles

DinosEpisode: Dinosaurs On A Spaceship Genocide has been a reoccurring theme throughout this list, proving that it's the one consistent factor that drives the Doctor off the deep end. The Doctor hates himself for entirely destroying his own race, and yet when he comes across others with similar intentions, the Time Lord reverts to his darker side to deal with the situation. After saving Queen Nefertiti (or watching Nefertiti save herself), the Doctor quickly explains his clever plan to save the day. With missiles heading their way, Eleven programs the signal of the Silurians' ship to latch onto Solomon's ship, and with a simple push of his sonic screwdriver, Solomon's ship would be ejected into space, with the missiles honing in on him. With the black market trader pleading for mercy, the Doctor doesn't hesitate and exits with simply this: "Look Solomon, the missiles, see how they shine? See how valuable they are? And they're all yours."
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Kristian is a freelance writer from Toronto, Canada. He's used his three favourite passions - sports, gaming, and writing - to provide articles to various media venues. Kristian currently is the official colour commentator for his college's sport teams. He initially majored in Women, but failed and dropped out, before finally studying Journalism & Broadcasting.