Doctor Who: The Doctor's 13 Darkest Moments

5. A Doctor Without Mercy

Episode: A Town Called Mercy After discovering that the fugitive alien Jex had committed horrific acts against his own people, the Doctor storms back into the town and angrily ushers him out to his death. As Jex attempts to cross back on the proper side of the home free line, the Doctor pulls out a gun on him and aims straight for Jex's head. Since the revival of the show, the Doctor has only really considered shooting someone two other times. One of those examples included self defense against other Time Lords, and the other was in retaliation for his daughter's death. However, this is the first time we see the Doctor use a firearm strictly for wanting to punish someone out of disgust. When Eleven says, "I honestly don't know" in response to whether he would actually shoot Jex, fans get a glimpse of the Gallifreyan's patience finally running thin after all these years. Had it not been for Amelia Pond, the Doctor may have murdered Jex. In any case, the Doctor's temper is at least to blame for Issac's death here.
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Kristian is a freelance writer from Toronto, Canada. He's used his three favourite passions - sports, gaming, and writing - to provide articles to various media venues. Kristian currently is the official colour commentator for his college's sport teams. He initially majored in Women, but failed and dropped out, before finally studying Journalism & Broadcasting.