Doctor Who: The Doctor's 13 Darkest Moments

6. Down Came The Rain

Episode: The Runaway Bride Some fans will use the loss of Rose as an excuse for his behaviour during the climax of this episode, but that doesn't stop this from being one of the darker Doctor moments since the revival of the show. With the battle against the Racnoss Empress won, the Tenth Doctor proceeds to drown the alien spider and its babies. Out of pure rage and disappointment, Ten simply watches motionlessly in the midst of the explosions and falling water. He only snaps out of it when Donna tells him that he's done enough. This plays a role in Donna later declining the Doctor's offer to travel with him. And before she goes, she warns him to always travel with someone, because sometimes he just doesn't know when to stop. Companions always believe that the Doctor is saving them from their everyday boring lives. But really, it's the companions who are saving the Doctor from himself.
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Kristian is a freelance writer from Toronto, Canada. He's used his three favourite passions - sports, gaming, and writing - to provide articles to various media venues. Kristian currently is the official colour commentator for his college's sport teams. He initially majored in Women, but failed and dropped out, before finally studying Journalism & Broadcasting.