Doctor Who: The Halloween Apocalypse Review - 7 Ups & 5 Downs
2. UP - Vinder
This week we were introduced to Vinder, who we are promised will be a reoccurring character and ally to the Doctor and gang, akin to River Song or Captain Jack. All in all, from his limited screen time, he seems pretty cool. Almost a little bit too cool for Doctor Who.
Standing watch from his cosy little observation post, Vinder is our eyes and ears for the introduction of the Flux. This scene is refreshing and rare in that it finds a natural way of delivering exposition by way of Vinder keeping an audio log, unlike everyone else in the universe who has a compulsion to narrate their every action.
We’re optimistic about Vinder - who we suspect will fill the role of the morally-grey-doesn’t-mind-shooting-things companion. Jacob Anderson is a talented actor and it’s exciting to have him on board (he’s also a brilliant musician - your scribe would like to take a moment to plug his album, Andy).