Doctor Who: What Your Favourite Companion Says About You

3. Mickey Smith

The Companion: Mickey the idiot, turned Mickey the alternate dimension jumping bad-ass, turned Mickey whom Martha for God knows what reason married. Last seen almost entirely failing to notice that he was about to be shot and killed by a Sontaran, Mickey did eventually prove himself to be a capable and dependable fighter who had what it takes to save the universe. Whichever universe that happened to be at the time. Notable Achievement: Mickey, like Martha after him, eventually came to the incredibly difficult realization that the person he loved was never really going to love him back, and did what was right for himself, emotionally, by leaving her behind. Which means that there might actually be a common thread between them that could have led to falling in love and getting married, all snippy comments before to the contrary. Dammit. What Liking Him Best Says About You: You always have been and always will be a fan of the underdog. Even when the dog in question is tin. You have a strong instinct to protect those who have a good heart, but who don't seem able to stop themselves from getting into one bit of trouble after another. You have seriously attempted to work the events of Star Trek: Into Darkness into a coherent timeline to explain Mickey's actions there.

Mikey is, in no particular order, a freelance writer, improvisational comedian, volunteer firefighter, playwright, Bon Vivant, and Jane Espenson enthusiast. Born in the small mining town of Eden Prairie, MN, he has some 40 years later successfully moved about 20 miles north of there to the City of Brooklyn Center, MN where he lives with an unreasonable number of dogs. If you'd like to hear him discuss something other than Doctor Who while pretending to be a dog, check out or follow him on twitter at @the42ndVizlsa