Doctor Who's 10 Worst Fashion Faux Pas

9. Patrick Troughton€™s Safety Pin Bow Tie

Doctor Who Traughton It€™s enough to give even Matt Smith an aneurism! Yes, eagle-eyed viewers have been calling this one out for quite some time now. In a bid to really hit home with the €˜Cosmic Hobo€™ incarnation of the Doctor, someone at the BBC attached a bog-standard safety pin to the back of a dicky-bow and clipped it to Troughton€™s open shirt collar. This is the stuff of nightmares for dedicated followers of fashion - as any self-respecting gentleman will tell you, you never ever wear a pre-tied bow tie. As if that knowledge weren't bad enough, you can plainly see the safety pin on screen, too, in actual episodes! So is the safety pin canon now? Did the Doctor cobble this together himself? Fans need, and deserve, answers. Someone write a fan theory to explain it, please.
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Christie D. Inman-Hall hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.