Every Dragon Ball Z Villain Ranked Worst To Best

10. Ginyu Force

Kid Buu, Dragon Ball Z
Arc System Works

While the Ginyu Force may technically be five different individuals, they act and fight as one. More than half of the Ginyu Force are pretty forgettable, with only Ginyu and Recoome standing above the rest. That said, since they act as one and refer to themselves as one, they'll be ranked as one.

The Ginyu Force consists of Guldo, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, and of course Captain Ginyu himself. Guldo, Burter and Jeice are done away with quickly. Guldo's power of being able to freeze time for as long as he can hold his breath is one of the only stand out aspects of the three. Recoome easily fights off Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta but gets easily taken down by Goku.

Of course the standout of the Ginyu Force is the man himself. Captain Ginyu is without a doubt the strongest of the group, and the only one that poses a threat to the Z Warriors. This is mostly thanks to his body swap ability, which he uses on Goku.

It's thanks to this ace in the hole ability that Ginyu even survives his battle with Goku. Eventually his lust for a stronger body ends with him swapping bodies with a frog, a fate worse than death.

Thanks to their over the top flamboyancy, their humorous poses and all around goofiness, the Ginyu Force is one of the most memorable group of villains in the series.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.