Every Modern Doctor Who Season Ranked From Best To Worst
2. Season 2

If the judgment of the best modern Doctor Who season was judged solely on its best episodes, then Season 2 would be the winner. The only season to feature the formidable combo of Tennant & Piper gave us such classic episodes as The Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet/Satan's Pit, and the epic concluding episode that was Doomsday.
While the first season had the dynamic chemistry between Christopher Ecclestone and Piper, there was genuine concern that David Tennant wouldn't be able to emulate this. These concerns were quickly averted in our brief glimpse of the two together in the 2005 Christmas special. There was now a more friendly dynamic between the Doctor and Rose, but the spark still very much alive.
Simply put, The Doctor and Rose made some truly memorable moments, be it chats with Queen Victoria, reuniting after defeating the Devil, combatting the Cybermen with the power of emotions or taking it in turns standing up to the grandest villain of them all, the Daleks. The Torchwood series arc added to the season without overpowering it, while Davies generally got the right tonal mix between light comedy, action and genuine drama.
The downside for the season was the odd mediocre episode, with the likes of New Earth, Love and Monsters and Fear Her labouring under poor villains. But even in these episodes Tennant and Piper made you enjoy the unlikeable, a bright smile from Rose or a quirky line from the new Doctor making everything alright again in the Whoniverse.