Game Of Thrones: 8 Book Ages That Will Shock You

3. Jon Snow Became Lord Commander At Only 17

Fan favourite, Jon Snow, was always a brooding young lad and even though in the first book he seems naive, he always seems to do things with a good heart and it (normally) works out quite well for him. As the series goes on, however, young Jon Snow starts to get a little bit smarter and he eventually gets "promoted" to Lord Commander at age 17, which Samwell Tarly says makes him the youngest Lord Commander in history. That's not bad considering, you know, that he knows nothing and all. Then again, it didn't last very long, did it? Considering Alliser Thorne and Olly's complete betrayal of his trust that left him dead in the snow at the end of season 5 and A Dance With Dragons. He was around 18-years-old when he was stabbed.

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