Game Of Thrones Season 7: 10 Major Predictions

3. At Least Two Big Deaths At Hardome II

Game Of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Beric Dondarrion

We've had teases of some major battles for this season, with the Battle at Casterly Rock, the Lannisters vs the Dothraki (and Drogon!), and the Battle of the Greyjoys at sea. The biggest, and most important, of these is the one that takes place Beyond-the-Wall.

Based on what we've seen, it looks as though Jon Snow leads a party to the dangerous, wintery lands - it does indeed look like they're going back to Hardhome itself, though it could be another, similar location - and there engage in a battle with wights and White Walkers.

It essentially looks like we're getting Hardhome 2, except this time there'll be more major characters, and in turn more major losses. From what's in the trailers, and some extrapolation of those characters too, it's a safe bet that the following are present: Jon, Tormund, Beric, Thoros, Gendry, and the Hound. I assume Davos will be too, although by his own admission he's not much of a fighter.

Jon will obviously be safe, as will Gendry and the Hound (they're far too recently returned to be offed at this point). But Beric, Thoros, and Tormund are all in serious danger, and we could even lose all three of them, but should at least get a couple of massive, heart-wrenching deaths at this battle.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.