Star Trek: 10 Hated Episodes You Grew To Love

8. Spock's Brain

Star Trek The Next Generation Sub Rosa.png
CBS Media Ventures

Star Trek returned for a third series, after the famed letter-writing campaign that revived it, and fans were treated - to this. Vulcans can survive for some time without their brains, so that's nice, isn't it?

What surely began as a joke over too much takeout in the mid-60s came to fruition here and, on arrival, it became a short-hand for describing the worst of Trek.

The 'Spock's Brain' award is often handed to those episodes that just spectacularly missed the mark, and at first glance, it's not hard to see why. The episode is just nuts, beginning with a premise that's bizarre and ends with Spock helping McCoy reattach his brain. As one does.

Yet, time is a funny thing. As the years have passed and the initial shock has worn away, what remains is a silly, fun episode that never attempts to take itself seriously. It's hardly a slog to sit through, and there are some truly funny moments. 

The greatest review that one can give any episode is this: after sixty years, we're still talking about it. Surely, that has to count for something?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick