Star Trek: 10 Things We Are Most Excited To See In Discovery S3

8. Legacy Races

Star Trek Sarus The Man

We know from the trailers that we will again see Andorians, along with Cardassians and at least one Lurian - but what of the Romulans, Klingons, Vulcans and the rest? What is happening in the various empires and alliances throughout the galaxy?

Are the Federation and the Klingon Empire still allied in the future? While the seeds of this friendship had been sewn by the second season finale, the crew of Discovery have not yet truly counted the Empire as allies. Also, there may be an aesthetic shock in their future, if the look and design of the Klingons are brought more in line with what appears in the rest of the franchise.

The Romulans are also a great mystery - unknown by the crew of Discovery - but now with nearly 1000 years to rebuild their Empire after their nova. What has the Tal Shiar been up to since being driven away by Captain Riker?

There is a lot of room to play here - with a lot of new first contacts to enjoy through the eyes of Discovery!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick