Star Trek: 10 WORST Things Captain Picard Has Ever Done

7. Had A Relationship With A Subordinate

Star Trek TNG Next Generation Preemptive Strike Picard
CBS Media Ventures

When Nella Daren raised the lights in stellar cartography, sparks began to fly almost at once. Captain Picard had so rarely allowed himself the room to explore a romantic engagement with anyone, so this was something that could have been good for both of them. Alas, as it quickly became evident, their positions went against them.

As the Captain of a Starship, Picard was responsible for everyone under his command. Therefore, it was his duty to attempt to remain impartial and somewhat removed. Part of the test to become a full commander was to see if said commander could order an officer to their deaths. How, then, could a captain order someone they were involved with on a dangerous mission? While the pair began to develop their feelings for each other, the news quickly spread. Some were happy for them, such as Beverly. 

Some felt less than comfortable, such as Riker. As First Officer, he was tasked with managing all of the departments. So, when Daren came to him and even suggested that the Captain would hear her if he didn’t, the first obvious example of the problem rose its head. That is not to suggest that Daren would habitually abuse their relationship but rather that there were certain assumptions that came with having the captain’s ear. While that situation was quickly resolved, there followed the dangerous mission with the fire storms. 

Picard had to order Daren to hold her position, an order that could have resulted in her death, though she thankfully survived. It became apparent that the Captain of a Starship could not maintain an impartial relationship with his officers while also maintaining a romantic relationship with one as well. Though neither are truly to blame for this, Daren then transferred off the ship, losing an excellent career opportunity in the process.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick