Star Trek: 10 WORST Things Gul Dukat Has Ever Done

1. Siding With The Devil

Star Trek Gul dukat Smiling
CBS Media Ventures

In the world of Deep Space Nine, Dukat literally sides with the Devil. The Pah Wraiths, Bajor's answer to Satan, adopt him as their Emissary, serving as a counter to Sisko. As part of his plans, he adopts groups of Bajorans who truly worship these non-corporeal beings, twisting them into believing the lies that come out of his mouth. 

One of the his first, and greatest, evil acts with the Pah Wraiths is the murder of Jadzia Dax, all while trying to cut Sisko off from the Prophets. It is a senseless, brutal act, made no better by his assertion that he hadn't personally meant to harm her.

As Colonel Kira discovers after her abduction, the cult he is raising around himself on Empok Nor are brainwashed into believing anything he says. This, she is horrified to learn, culminates in the suicide of 'true believers', while Dukat himself beams away. He later arrives on Bajor itself, disguised as the Bajoran farmer Anjol Tenan, determined to swing Kai Winn to the side of the Pah Wraiths.

Once again, he is successful, leading to a deadly stand-off in the Fire Caves. He almost succeeds, despite being poisoned by Winn at the last minute. He dies, but is returned to life by his gods, then incinerates the woman. He technically even succeeds in killing Sisko, though of course the true nature of Sisko is up for debate. 

Gul, Legate, then Emissary Dukat is truly one of the most truly evil characters that Star Trek has ever offered up on our screens. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick