Star Trek: 10 WORST Things Gul Dukat Has Ever Done

9. Pitting Bajorans Against Each Other

Star Trek Gul dukat Smiling
CBS Media Ventures

During the Occupation, the Cardassians encouraged the Bajorans to work with them, promising all sorts of comforts in exchange for loyalty. As one could imagine for any beaten down people, there were those who took this offer and ran with it. Dukat was no exception to this, offering positions of relative power to those Bajorans willing to turn against their own.

There were the Bajorans who worked on the station, safe and comfortable, organising Dukat's harem of comfort women. There were those who spied on others, offering information in exchange for leniency. Then there were yet more who delivered names to Dukat, helping the Cardassians track down Bajoran terrorists in the hopes that this may secure the release of Bajoran prisoners.

Dukat cultivated an environment of fear, of betrayal, and loathing among the Bajoran people. This helped to keep them separated and unable, for years, to form a central group that could rise up against him. As we learned later on, not only did he defend his actions, but he celebrated them.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick