Star Trek: 10 WORST Things Gul Dukat Has Ever Done

8. His One Man War Against Sisko

Star Trek Gul dukat Smiling
CBS Media Ventures

Every villain needs a good hero to battle against. Dukat and Sisko became enemies for the ages, frequently clashing, despite several early attempts at cooperation. Even if we're being kind and accept that, in those first few years, Dukat honestly wanted to work together, there is little doubt that Sisko became his obsession as time went on.

Despite the number of times that Sisko actually saved Dukat's life, the latter blamed the former for many of the ills in his career. Most specifically, he blamed Sisko for the death of Ziyal - ironic, as Dukat had originally planned to kill her anyway, and it was Damar who pulled the trigger. Yet it was Sisko's return to DS9 aboard the Defiant that inspired the Dominion to evacuate, leaving an atmosphere of panic, leading to Ziyal's revelation and death.

This would return to haunt both men. Dukat, forced as he was to endure Starfleet counselling sessions, staved off madness for a short while, then descended fully upon his escape. He then allied himself with Sisko's greatest enemies (more on that to come) striking what he believed to be a deadly blow to one of Starfleet's finest captains. This obsession saw many people die, Sisko's life become increasingly swathed in pain, and led to their infamous meeting in the Bajoran Fire Caves.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick