Star Trek: 10 WORST Things Gul Dukat Has Ever Done

6. Executing Innocent People

Star Trek Gul dukat Smiling
CBS Media Ventures

As part of the head-to-head between Sisko and Dukat, the latter starts to recount some of the 'gentle' acts that he perpetrated toward the Bajorans. When he arrived, he cut labour camp quotas 50%, abolished child labour, and gave more concessions, in his estimation. In response, the Bajoran Resistance destroyed an orbital drydock, killing two hundred Cardassians.

In an act of twisted justice, Dukat had two hundred random Bajorans rounded up and executed. This, it is clear, was one of the earliest signs of how he understood justice. There would be no soft hand, nor would there be attempts to foster peace between the Cardassians and the Bajorans.

To further complicate matters, Dukat genuinely believed in Cardassian superiority over the Bajorans. He was enraged by their assertions that they deserved equality, believing their inferiority to be fact. This fuelled his ability to continue to dominate them. Provoked by Sisko, he finally admits that he wanted all of the Bajorans, regardless of any connection to the Resistance, to die. Bajor, he believed, should have been turned into a vast wasteland, thus freeing the Cardassians from having to deal with them any more. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick