Star Trek: 10 WORST Things Gul Dukat Has Ever Done

5. Calling Major Kira On Her Mother's Birthday

Star Trek Gul dukat Smiling
CBS Media Ventures

Once his true colours had been revealed, Dukat seemed to revel in his evil status. One such incident saw him contact Major Kira on the day of her mother's birthday. He cruelly revealed that not only had he known Kira Meru, but that they had been intimate. As was often the case with Dukat, this random act of malevolence was mired in the truth.

Meru had been taken from a Bajoran labour camp and deposited on Terok Nor. There, she was personally selected as Dukat's 'comfort woman.' Kira confirms this with the help of the Bajoran Orb of Time. She feels repulsed by what she has learned, and even goes so far as to count her mother expendable in a planned assassination attempt on Dukat's life. However, she changes her mind when she sees that her mother, far from abandoning her family, still cared deeply for them. Her service to Dukat allowed Kira and the rest of her family a slightly improved quality of life.

Dukat, of course, couldn't have known that Kira would discover the full story surrounding Meru's time on Terok Nor. For him, this was torment, pure and simple. Just another day in his warped world.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick