Star Trek: 10 WORST Things Gul Dukat Has Ever Done

4. Kidnapping A Rival's Child

Star Trek Gul dukat Smiling
CBS Media Ventures

Cardassia Prime, ever the centre of understanding in the galaxy, has a particularly harsh method for dealing with orphans. To be blunt - they don't deal with them. Orphans have no status whatsoever on the planet, so a child can lose everything before every having a chance to do anything about it.

Knowing this, Dukat orchestrated the kidnap of Rugal, the son of a political rival, Kotan Pa'dar. Pa'dar had voted to end the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, a decision that Dukat bitterly opposed. When Rugal and his mother were presumed killed in a Bajoran terrorist attack, Dukat actually had the boy taken away and raised by Bajorans, hoping to use the boy to embarrass his father in later years.

Though father and son were eventually reunited, Dukat still achieved a sort of victory. Rugal, raised on Bajor, by Bajoran adoptive parents, and given to the Bajoran belief system, hated all Cardassians - including his father. While Pa'dar's career would survive this encounter, it was clear that his relationship with his son would take years to recover, if at all.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick