Star Trek: 10 WORST Things Gul Dukat Has Ever Done

3. Lying About Tekeny Ghemor's Recanting

Star Trek Gul dukat Smiling
CBS Media Ventures

The Cardassian Dissident Movement existed long before the Dominion War, but it came to new strength in opposition to Dukat's conniving and planning. Tekeny Ghemor had been high in the movement when the Obsidian Order were still a great threat, but he was forced to flee Cardassia after the alliance with the Dominion.

Major Kira, with whom he had a close bond, urged him to become the head of the opposition to the Cardassian-Dominion alliance, but he gently refused. He was dying at that stage and was unwilling to sacrifice his final days to the cause. Ever the opportunist, when Dukat became aware of Ghemor's presence on the station, he paid a visit, asking the man to give his public support to the Dominion.

Naturally, Ghemor refused. Naturally, Dukat didn't care. After the man died, Dukat made a public statement, claiming Ghemor recanted his opposition while on his deathbed, fully embraced the Dominion Alliance, and thus quelled the last hopes of the dissidents. It seemed, in the run-up to the Dominion War, that Dukat was closing all avenues of resistance.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick