Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Ranking Every Major Character Worst To Best

8. Lt. Jadzia Dax

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Jadzia Dax was not even thirty when she was assigned to Deep Space Nine. She had only recently been joined with the symbiont, taking on the Dax mantle after the death of Curzon. From the beginning, she had a friendship with Sisko that would last through until her death, six years later.

Jadzia was the potentially the heart of the show. So, when Dukat caused the injuries that killed her, it was very much a stab in the heart to all viewing. Terry Farrell brought an upbeat, playful air to the part. She was visibly nervous for the first season, taking some time to relax into the role.

Yet, by the time she was avenging with her Klingon comrades, there was no doubt that she was a character for the ages. It has been noted before that Jadzia was killed off due to irreconcilable differences off-screen, which is a shame as, going into the final year, there weren't any opportunities to bring her back in either flashback or alternate forms.

However, there were six excellent years of Jadzia to enjoy. Her finest moments range from attempting to get Kira to loosen up on the holosuite, or beating Quark at Tongo. She melted Worf's heart and she made Sisko laugh out loud. She was one half of the first same-sex kiss in Star Trek history, and was more than skilled with a blade.

Jadzia Dax was a heavy casualty of the war, but only in that she was a wonderful character on the show.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick