Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Ranking Every Major Character Worst To Best

9. Gul Dukat

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

When people think of the great villains of Star Trek, they might automatically gravitate toward Khan. While it's true that this is the man who caused the death of Spock, that is doing a huge disservice to the most richly, deeply developed villain in the entire franchise.

Gul Dukat was with Deep Space Nine from the beginning. The cunning former prefect of Bajor spoke with assurance that he was only trying to do what was right for the people on the planet below. He was very much a saviour, a great man deserving of statues and remembrance.

That is not how history viewed it and it is certainly not how Major Kira viewed it. Dukat was an evil, evil man. He managed to cover that evil in twists and turns for almost five years, offering his help every so often, enough times to be seen as something of a reluctant ally to the Federation.

That all changed when he revealed that he had negotiated Cardassia's entry to the Dominion, thereby abandoning any pretense of fostering amity with the Federation.

It truly cannot be overstated how fantastic Marc Alaimo was in the role. He brought menace and grace, all at once. When he stepped into a scene, he owned it. That the final battle of the series not be between two might fleets, but between two symbols of good and evil in he and Sisko, offers testament to the strength of his character and acting.

There will never be another villain like him.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick