Star Trek: Discovery 3.3 Review - Ups And Downs From People Of Earth

7. Burnham And Tilly - UP

Star Trek Discovery

The scene in the hallway, evokative of Battlestar Galactica's memorial hallway, is a wonderful moment of reunion between Burnham and Tilly. It is also a lovely moment between Sonequa Martin-Green and Mary Wiseman, both of whom sell this scene perfectly.

Tilly hangs the combadges of the fallen comrades on the walls, while also speaking about how, with everything that has happened, it hasn't been possible to grieve for the ones they've lost.

Burnham, having spent a year dealing with her pain already, is calm and reassuring - the perfect friend for Tilly at that moment. They see each other, knowing that between them, there is a world of old and new experiences to discuss.

It is a scene that highlights just how good these two actors are - more of this please!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick