Star Trek: Discovery 3.3 Review - Ups And Downs From People Of Earth

5. Book's Clunky Dialogue - DOWN

Star Trek Discovery

David Ajala is already one of the best things about Star Trek: Discovery. His screen presence is wonderful and he looks very nice in that Starfleet uniform. However, this one is aimed at the writers, not the man!

When Burnham comes to find Book after the inspection, she finds him in the mess hall having a drink. She informs him that the replicator only makes synthahol, not alcohol. The reply - it's very forced, evoking memories of that Riker monologue from the last episode of Picard's first season.

...and here I am trying get a buzz on and reach a place of existential despair...


But again for the record, David Ajala - he's great!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick