Star Trek: Lower Decks 2.4 Review - Ups & Downs From Mugato, Gumato

6. Ferengi Wearing A Mugato Skin - UP

Star Trek Lower Decks Mugato

This is a bit of a dark one, this one. When the away team land on the planet to investigate what's been happening with the Mugato herd, they discover that another team has already beaten them to it. A group of, as Mariner calls them, Last Outpost-style Ferengi have been capturing the Mugato and rounding them up into cages. This sees a return of the electric blue whip from the Last Outpost and Acquisition as well, a nice little treat for long-termers.

However, it's the lead Ferengi who's getting the callout here. This maniac is walking around a herd of captured Mugato - wearing a Mugato skin. As these creatures tend to remain a lot more alive with their skins intact, this is a particularly dark little joke.

Perhaps it's the way he wears the skin from the head down, or the fact that he is walking around with a constant Mugato horn, but this little Ferengi stands out from his peers for his cool, if cruel, sense of syle.

UP - it may be one of the darker jokes the show has made, but it works all the same.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick