Star Trek Picard: Every Major Character Ranked

6. Soji

Star Trek Picard

This one is slightly more difficult to rank. Soji is a slightly one note character, but Isa Briones manages to flesh that out. She moves between quiet contemplation and serenity, to wild anger and passion with relative ease. There is no real connection at all with the fact that she is borne from a node of Data. Riker says he would recognise that head tilt anywhere - that is stretching to the point of disbelief.

However, there are moments in the show when she rises above these issues. The scene between Picard and her, where they discuss Data, stands as one of, if not the, scene of the series. She works so effortlessly with Picard here that a true love and understanding passes between them. Not for a second did her turn to the genocidal side seem real and that is a failing on the part of the writers.

The confusion that the character must feel though is something that is handled well - it may not have been enough to really get the audience to believe she would destroy everything, but her anger is both well founded and displayed well by Briones. A refreshing choice to make her refuse any of Narek's nonsense of guilt is enjoyable though - there's no consideration that 'he might be a nice guy really'. She wants to end him and it makes sense.

There is the chance for greatness here and one that is hopefully coming in the next year.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick