Star Trek Picard: Every Major Character Ranked

5. The Holograms

Star Trek Picard

When we were first introduced to the Holograms, it could have gone one of two ways - necessary addition or farce. Arguably, it comes down in the middle and they are best described as necessary farce. Star Trek Picard is a dark show, even with the moments of optimism and light. People are murdered, families are torn apart and existence is almost ended by mad robots.

But, we have Enoch, Emmet, Emil, Mr. Hospitality and Ian. They shouldn't work but they absolutely do. Santiago Cabrera delivers a masterclass in acting as he plays the five different holograms and, a couple of dodgy accents aside, he shows five distinctly different characters in doing so (not to mention his sixth character, returning later in this list!).

Already debates have sprung up as to which hologram is the best (a coin toss between Emmet and Enoch for this writer) but therein lies their strength. They break the heavy mood of the show without spoiling it in any way. The stand out scene is of course their meeting with Raffi on the holodeck but each of them have their own moments along the way.

Enoch at the conn, Emmet battling the Bird of Prey, general, Mr. Hospitality with his clipboard and Emil failing hilariously as an EMH for Maddox - they are unique and engaging, they are the fun that the show sorely needs.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick