Star Trek Voyager Feature Length Episodes: Ranked

6. Unimatrix Zero

Star Trek Voyager Dark Frontier

The end of season six and the beginning of season seven mark a bittersweet change in the show. The episodes are excellent, but it is the second of only two appearances by the wonderful Susanna Thompson as the Borg Queen in Voyager. She returns here as a cold, calculating scientist, hell bent on stamping out the undercurrent of individuality in her perfect collective.

The episodes truly belong to Jeri Ryan of course, showing her as more relaxed in the persona of Annika Hansen, shedding some of the necessary stiffness of Seven of Nine. She gets to stretch her acting chops but also show her caring side as romance blossoms with Axum. The destruction of the Delta Flier is a bit of a heart punch but the shock factor of the episode comes in the assimilation of Janeway, Torres and Tuvok. While they were never going to remain Borg forever, it was a suitable cliffhanger to finish the sixth season.

The episode ranks above some of the others due to the menace that the Borg Queen manages to pose as she hunts down Unimatrix Zero. It is below some of the others because this again could have been settled in a single episode and the plot does feel a bit stretched toward the end of the second part.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick